Monthly Archives: March 2014


The History of Opportunity

The Hystory of Opportunity

The History of Creating Value – How Humans Made Money In Different Eras.






Lo esencial para emprender es el espíritu de lucha. Ser un luchador. F. Trias de Bes.

Lo esencial para emprender es el espíritu de lucha. Ser un luchador. F. Trias de Bes.

Lo esencial para emprender es el espíritu de lucha. Ser un luchador. F. Trias de Bes.




La cultura del emprendimiento es todo lo contrario a un programa del Gobierno para crear empleo. STEVE BLANK


El fracaso es sinónimo de experiencia. STEVE BLANK


steve blankEl emprendedor español es igual de listo e inteligente que en otros sitios, pero en Silicon Valley el ecosistema es único. Es fácil crear una empresa, el papeleo es muchísimo menor. La cultura de arriesgar forma parte de nuestro ADN y el fracaso es sinónimo de una palabra especial para nosotros, que no es otra que experiencia. La experiencia no es una vergüenza. Las personas que asumen riesgos se consideran héroes, y lo mismo para quienes financian esos proyectos. Steve Blank


“La autocomplacencia es lo peor si quieres conseguir hacer algo importante”

Leadership Credibility in 5 Easy Ways

The Armchair HR Manager - Advice from an "HR Fan"

Being a successful leader requires someone to possess and balance a whole plethora of traits and characteristics. I have blogged many times about leadership and how to be successful, as have many other people who are way smarter and more qualified to do so than me! However, in reflecting on my experience as a leader, as well as thinking about leaders I have worked with and for, there is one very important characteristic that I feel all leaders need to possess in order to be successful, and that is credibility.

Successful leaders are almost always seen as having a high degree of credibility by their employees. For purposes of this article, I am not thinking of, or referring to, the credibility that is gained from technical or functional knowledge – i.e. being a subject matter expert. I am referring to the soft skill credibility successful leaders possess based on the

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Leadership: How to Get From Good to Great

Play Strong® Leadership | BY PETER ECONOMY – Company leaders always want to motivate, inspire, and support their people to the absolute fullest. But most go to bed at night suspecting that they’re coming up a little short. Maybe more than a little. Take heart: You can become a truly great leader. All it takes is:


Great leadership requires effort–lots of effort. And much of that effort revolves around learning: about your people, your operations, your industry, and yourself. Be relentless in your pursuit of knowledge about everything–and everyone–in your business ecosystem.


Develop a clear vision for what your business is all about, and don’t lose faith in it. Know in your heart that you and your team can accomplish anything you set out to accomplish if you work together and believe in one another. You will undoubtedly encounter setbacks, but don’t be deterred. Learn from failure and remain confident.

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How Great Leaders Inspire Action


Inspiring others is no easy task. Simon Sinek, the author of Start With Why, provides a look at how some of greatest leaders inspired others to action. They did it by simply answering the question, “Why?”.

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8 Things I learned On The Road To Entrepreneurship!